Members of the North Carolina Scottish Heritage Society may submit two queries each year to the editor or to the Query Editor, for publication in The Argyll Colony Plus. Queries will be published in the next issue if at all possible, or in the next space available issue.
Queries should be printed or typed, and have 50 words or less. They should mention at least one person with a Scottish surname, one date, and one location in North or South Carolina. Please do not forget to include your name, mailing address and/or other contact information.
Organizational Contacts
Roger Ferguson, Secretary
7863 Sunset Dr.
Hayes, VA 23072
E-mail: rgferg@hotmail.com
Anne Landin, Treasurer
506 Shinnecock Court,
New Bern, NC 28562
E-mail: ncshs1690@gmail.com
Officers and Directors
- PRESIDENT: Gerald Daniel, Fayetteville, NC
- VICE PRESIDENT: Hubbard W. McDonald, Jr., Clio, SC
- SECRETARY: Roger Ferguson, Hayes, VA
- TREASURER: Anne P. Landin, New Bern, NC
- Linda Carnes-McNaughton, Pittsboro, NC
- Hubbard W. McDonald, Jr., Clio, SC
- Wade H. Penny, Jr., Durham, NC
- Gerald Daniel, Fayetteville, NC
- Jerry R. McDuffie, Council, NC
- Joseph W. McKay, Cameron, NC
- Anne P. Landin, New Bern, NC
Publications Committee:
- Anne P. Landin, New Bern, NC
- Ruby G. Campbell, Ph.D., FSA Scot., Baton Rouge, LA
- Wade H. Penny, Jr., Durham, NC